NavBar Animations application to customize the navigation bar in Android

In the past, most customization applications required the user to have his or her phone in charge of the routines, especially when it comes to customizing and modifying the virtual devices on the Android phone, but with increased experience and modification in the system as a whole, it is rare to see applications in this area requiring Rotating powers.
Today we have a new application, the NavBar Animations application, which allows the Android user to customize the default navigation bar, without the need for routine privileges. This customization is replaced by a dynamic and dynamic tape, in other words, a moving bar and animated graphics.
With the application you can choose from a wide range of animations and custom packages. The team noted that weekly more are added, and the user has other tools provided by the application such as the option to set the speed of motion and the option of color overlay and motion players.
Finally , the application is available NavBar Animations for download free of charge and you can download theentire move to : here